Seminarian Siehr to be ordained deacon

Novena for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
Almighty God, giver of every grace, who apportion every order and assign every office, who remain unchanged, but make all things new, send your Holy Spirit into our midst to assist Aaron in preparing for ordination to the diaconate, ready to offer himself generously and forever in the ministry of the Word, of the altar, and of charity, servant to all.
  Grant him wisdom when he is unsure, knowledge when he is afraid, counsel when he is confused, fortitude when he is feeling weak, understanding when he is troubled, piety when he is feeling indifference, fear of you when he is proud, and your protection from every diabolical attack upon his vocation.
Help him to receive the Gospel of Christ: convince him to believe what he has read, train him to teach what he believes, and strengthen him to practice what he teaches.
Hear the prayers of all your faithful servants and in the eternal charity that you have shown us, draw us all to that heavenly kingdom where all are made perfectly one at the eternal banquet of Christ, the Good Shepherd and Eternal King.
  Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
St. Anthony the Hermit, pray for him.
St. Mary, Mother of God and Mother of Seminarians and Priests, pray for him.