Service & Stewardship
We believe that within the parish community and beyond that everything is a gift from God. We are called to receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. Doing so in relationships, we find ourselves and our supreme calling becomes clear (USCBC & St. John Paul II). In addition to the giving of time, stewardship focuses on talents as well and monetary donations. View the pages below to learn about opportunities to grow in faith and get involved in our parish community.
Serve at Mass
Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.
Lectors proclaim the Scripture during Liturgy. Open to high school students and adults. Training is provided
Contact: Dcn. Mike Reesman at Reesmanm@stam.church
No previous musical experience is required, but singers do need to match pitch. Choirs sing from after Labor Day through Corpus Christi Sunday.
- The Resurrection Choir sings for funerals, Singers do need to have a flexible schedule to sing for funerals during the day.
Contact: Carrie Froelich at froehlichc@stam.church
Cantors proclaim the Psalms at Mass and lead congregational singing. Strong vocal music skills are necessary, especially to sing solo and sometimes unaccompanied. Cantors meet regularly (monthly or bi-monthly) with the Director of Liturgy and Music for training in their ministry. Cantor auditions are scheduled with the director. Vocalists young and old are encouraged to answer the call to this ministry.
Contact: Carrie Froelich, froehlichc@stam.church
Ushers greet and seat parishioners at weekend liturgies, circulate collection baskets, distribute worship aids, assist parishioners with mobility issues, and respond to medical, safety or security incidents. Open to adults, high school age youth, and children (with parental supervision).
Contact: D'Ann Fisher, fisherd@stam.church
Serve Others
Listed below are a few opportunities to serve overs in our parish community and beyond. These opportunities are designated as parishioner-led ministries and groups or community partners. The ministries and groups are directly run by parishioners. The community partners are organizations we support with volunteers or financial resources, as determined by the Human Concerns Commission.
A.D.A.M (Addressing Domestic Abuse Ministry) is an advocacy group that addresses the nature of domestic violence through education, supportive connections, and prayer in collaboration with community resources. The goal of the ministry is to promote healthy relationships in the body of Christ, remaining faithful to the Catholic Church teachings and pastoral directives.
Designation: Parish Group
Contact: Monika Weise
Elizabeth Ministry
Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ministry Chapters are parish-based efforts to support women and their families during the joys, challenges, and sorrows of the childbearing years. EM members organize the following programs at our parish: Baptismal Hospitality, Mother’s Day Recognition, Rosebud Prayer Program, Marian Memorial Gardening Angels, and the Christmas in July Project.
Designation: Parish Chapter
Contact: Geri Roskopf
Human Concerns Commision
The Mission of the Human Concerns Commission of St. Mary, Mother of God Parish is to serve their parish family, and the larger community by embracing and practicing the seven principles of the Catholic Social teachings. This group is responsible for deciding how to distribute the 3% of parishioner stewardship dollars that is allocated to support ministries, programs, community partnerships and faith-based charities on behalf of St. Mary.
Designation: Parish Group
Contact: Bob Jung
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP)
Parishioners come together to grow in spirituality and extend Christ’s love to the less fortunate in our community. Vincentians use the “home visit” to assess financial needs as well as to listen and to pray with individuals needing assistance. Financial assistance includes help with rent, utilities, furniture, household items, food, gas and community resources. The conference can share a wealth of other local resources that families can take advantage of. The conference supports the Waukesha SVDP Council with additional programs including a jail ministry and the Getting Ahead Program, a personal growth and mentoring program to help our neighbors establish personal goals. St. Mary and St. Bernadette parishes of Milwaukee have partnered in the collection and distribution of used furniture. St. Mary has provided financial contributions and sheet sets to St. Bernadette SVDP as they primarily provide household items, furniture, and beds to needy families on the Northwest side of Milwaukee.
The conference sponsors several annual events including:
- “The Giving Tree” event which includes Christmas gifts to St Vincent de Paul and Karin families, and Christmas toys to the Bruce Guadalupe School.
- Truck Collection - Clothing and Household goods are collected for the Waukesha SVDP Store to support their outreach efforts.
- Back to School Program (supported by the SVDP Council) – Providing backpacks with school supplies and a gift card for shoes to local families in Menomonee Falls.
Designation: Parish Conference
Contact: Sharon Memory
The Pastoral Council Council is a vehicle for parish members to share in the pastoral mission of Jesus Christ and the Church in a specific location in the Archdiocese. It does this by developing Catholic identity, promoting evangelization, and fostering stewardship.
The Council strives to build a community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness and service.
The Council engages in a continual process of pastoral planning, which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Archdiocese, the broader community, and the world.
Pastoral Council meetings are held on a regular basis, no fewer than six times each year. Parishioners may submit agenda items for consideration to the Executive Committee. The Council meetings are open to members of the parish who are welcome to attend as observers. Meeting dates are listed on the parish event calendar.
Pastoral Council Chair John Nygaard can be reached by email at jnjnygaard@gmail.com.
More information about the structure and purpose of Pastoral Councils can be found on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee website.
Designation: Parish
Contact: John Nygaard
The Finance Council provides advice and guidance to the Pastor in the administration of Parish assets. The Council prepares the Parish budget, reviews financial statements, monitors the financial condition of the Parish (including regular financial reviews/audits), reviews any indebtedness of the Parish and provides assistance in the formation and communication of an annual financial report to the Parish community. The Finance Council is appointed by the Pastor. The Budget Committee works under the guidance of the Finance Council and is responsible for helping prepare the Parish budget and to provide support to the Finance Council. The committee meets 6-8 times/ year on Tuesday evenings.
Designation: Parish Group
Contact: Tom Henke
Community Banquet
A community meal is served at St. James parish on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of most months. St. Mary volunteers are needed 6 to 7 times per year to cook, make desserts, set up and clean. Open to adults or teens.
Contact: Sharon Jajtner at (262) 251-7885
St. Ben's Meal Program:
St. Mary parishioners provide food on the third Wednesday of each month at St. Ben’s (9th & State). Menu assignments are rotated each month. Prepared food is brought to the church, is transported, and is then served to guests by volunteers. Open to adults and youth when accompanied by a parent.
Contact: Tom Pelt at tom.pelt@gmail.com or (262) 442-231
Menomonee Falls Food Pantry
Ongoing contributions of non-perishable food and household supplies can be dropped off weekly in the west wing of the church in the designated area. Parish members also may volunteer to distribute food at the Pantry during designated days and times.
Contact: Diane Harley at rharley1@wi.rr.com
Support the Parish
If we see everything as a gift from God that is given to us on loan, then we must care for this gift so it can be passed on in good condition. Obviously caring for the earth and its resources flows from being a good steward. The same logic applies when we look at our parish, its school, its programs, and its resources as gifts from God. Most of us today did not build this parish; we inherited it from our parents and those who have gone before us. Even our founding members did not build this parish alone. Many generations have built upon the work of their predecessors.
Stewardship teaches us that we have been given a gift in this community and we need to not only use that gift but to care for it so that future generations of our parish will benefit from what we leave behind.